Florencia Fagiano

Florencia Fagiano is a chemical engineer and Master student in the field of materials for solid-state hydrogen storage at the Balseiro Institute in San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Florencia’s research focuses on improving the kinetic properties of complex hydrides for hydrogen storage. She works with Li-Mg-B-N-H systems, studying not only their microstructural characteristics, but also the thermodynamics and kinetics of interactions with hydrogen.
Why did you choose to take part in this summer school?
Since I started my studies in chemical engineering, I have been interested in the field of energy and its importance in industrial growth and global development. This prompted me to participate in different projects related to efficient use of energy and renewable energy, on both academic and industrial levels.
The world's energy demand is continuously increasing over the years due to the growth in human population as well as economic development. There is a global need to develop alternative sources of energy in replacement of fossil fuels. This motivated me to continue making contributions to the development of science and technology in this field.
I decided to take part in this Bordeaux Summer School because I felt that it was a great opportunity to develop my skillset and gain more in-depth knowledge, to learn and discover the ideas and investigations that are taking place nowadays in the field of renewable energies, acquiring a broader approach and a better understanding of this sector.
What did you learn from this experience?
Participating in this program was a unique experience that allowed me to grow on a personal, academic and professional level. The highlight was being able to learn from internationally recognized experts and discuss the main issues linked to advanced materials for energy storage and conversion.
Despite being a virtual edition, I could meet and share experiences with graduate students from different parts of the world and a diverse range of cultures. During the summer school, we participated in different activities that allowed us to interact and get to know each other. This was a great opportunity to continue expanding my academic and professional network.
Anything else?
I am very grateful to have participated in this high-level experience and to have visited Bordeaux virtually. I highly recommend participating in future editions; it truly is a unique opportunity to grasp the latest developments in the energy sector.