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Université de Bordeaux


› Serge Albacha: Elogen, Paris, France

› Jean-Louis Bobet: University of Bordeaux - Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux (ICMCB), CNRS, France

› Fermin Cuevas: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne - East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials (ICMPE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France

› Matteo Duca: University of Montreal - Quebec Centre for Advanced Materials, Canada

› Marie Duquesne: La Rochelle Université, France

› Alexandre Godin: La Rochelle Université, France

› Liliane Guerlou-Demourges: University of Bordeaux - Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux (ICMCB), CNRS, France

› Lionel Hirsch: University of Bordeaux - Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS), CNRS, France

› Olivier Joubert: University of Nantes - Institut des Matériaux de Jean Rouxel, CNRS, France

› Valérie Keller: University of Strasbourg - Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, CNRS, France

› Fabrice Mauvy: University of Bordeaux - Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux (ICMCB), CNRS, France

› Jacob Olchowka: University of Bordeaux - Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux (ICMCB), CNRS, France

› Maria Rosa Palacin: Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain

Speakers may be subject to change.